Welcome to our world!

Hiya! We're so glad you've stopped by to read about our exploits! We are two boisterous little 16 month old twin boys and pride ourselves on eating our parents out of house and home and depriving them of sleep. Mummy writes our blog for us at the moment (as we can't write yet, silly!) It's hard being a twin, with having to make yourself heard above your brother, but believe us, we have an opinion on most things and are happy to share them with you all.

Keep in touch, we hope we keep you amused as you never know what we are going to get up to next......

ps - check out Mummys website http://www.churchtowngifts.ie/ - she makes some cool stuff there!

Friday 13 January 2012

The alternative Potty List!

Well, those folks at cow and gate did a survey of things a toddler should do before they are 3. Its called a Potty List, and 1000 Mums were asked what should be on it.

Some lovely things on there - picking fruit, jumping in puddles, being chased by a monster, climbing a big hill, riding on Daddys shoulders......, all nice things but, as toddler twins of the world, we decided they were a bit too tame so we now present our alternative Potty List!!

Managing to get our toys to actually play on the DVD player

Getting our hands on all the things we have managed to post behind the skirting board

Actually managing to climb into the oven (or 'burn' as we thought it was called)

Scaling the Christmas tree - never mind the one at home, a nice shop one will do!

Breaking the record for Jelly throwing

Doing anything Special agent Oso does (jet pack activated)

Managing to eat a whole plate of cheese (cut the rationing out Mummy!)

Having our attempts at painting the kitchen recognised as a work of art

Actually managing to hit Daddys head when randomly flinging bricks

Get Mummy to realise that the curtains really ARE a jungle vine

Be allowed to pretend we are a doggy ALL day - those biccies really are yummy!

We are sure we can think of many more, but hey ho, its a start!

And for all the people who'd like to see what the original Potty list was a version can be found here www.growingupmilkinfo.com

Inspired by parents nationwide, and endorsed by nutritionist Amanda Ursell, psychologist Dr Richard Woolfson and trends forecaster Sean Pillot de Chenece, www.growingupmilkinfo.com has released a ‘bucket list’ following suggestions from parents nationwide and endorsed by experts, that includes 36 top activities for ‘Little One-ders

Off to make some inroads into our list!!

Thursday 5 January 2012

Happy 2012!!

We know.....it's been a while!  Let's say we've been up to our eyes in Santa and the like.  Who would have guessed this time of year was soooo exciting!
We had some great pressies - a little sit on car each so we can practice running each other over, haring up and down the kitchen and generally creating more mayhem!  Lots of educational toys - although we still believe we can educate ourselves much better with examining the contents of the fridge/cupboards/reprogramming the washing machine.... And of course, lots of great clothes and other toys.
New Year resolutions - well, to have as much fun as last year, Mummy would like us to get over our 'stranger' phobia so she could at least do one aisle of Tesco without us bellowing the place down, and of course, to get up and never mind walking, running!  Now that will be fun!
Hope your 2012 is a good one xx

PS - Mummy is on twitter and would love some more followers - @nappycakequeen is her name!

Sunday 4 September 2011

what shall we eat today?

Isn't it amazing how even little fellas our age have tastes for certain food?

Take us for example.  Current favourites are - dog biscuits (kindly provided by Noodles the dog, he even brings them to us...) little paper dots from the hole puncher, speaker wires from the surround sound, Sudocream - has to be out of one of the handy little sample pots though as they are easy to open and our particular favourites are wet wipes - of course, the orange ones are the best but we aren't really that fussy.

On a serious note we can demolish Jam Donoughts in a minute (don't tell the Health Visitor :) ) and have quite a sweet tooth - but we blame Mummy for that.  We love cheesy food as well.

Anyway, preparations are well under way for our big day next Sunday - YAY!!!! we are going to be one year old! We've a few special guests coming to help celebrate, its an exciting day for us - we think Mummy is a little sad we are growing up so fast, but hey - at least shes going to have a fab number of Tesco clubcard points with all the food we eat!

We must go now as its definitely bedtime.  We'll let you all know how the party goes.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

where's the climbing frame

Afternoon all! 

We've been very bad at keeping you up to date with our adventures - blame Mummy, she is always saying she hasn't got 10 pairs of hands. She would need a few more pairs with us!

There have been alot of welcome visitors to our house in the last few weeks - firstly Nanna and Grandad, and then our lovely Aunty and cousins came over to see us.  It was great fun having other children around to play with, made a change from kicking the china cabinets and trying to kick the flat screen tv over (note to Mummy - hurry up and buy the wall bracket or you will be looking at a new tv...)

And we got to show off our latest skill - climbing over everything (or everybody).  We liken ourselves to steam rollers - get in our way and we will just roll or climb all over you.  Sit in the right place and we can use you to try and climb onto the window ledge.  We are currently both sporting matching bruises on our foreheads from falling out of the chair and pulling a drawer onto our heads.  No doubt there will be more to come, but we are sturdy lads and just brush ourselves down and look for the next place to create havoc.

Mummy said someone was asking for pictures of us on the website - we're a little shy at the moment so we'll think about that one, and besides, it can be fun imagining what terrors we actually look like!

Anyway, off to demolish something else!!!!

Thursday 28 July 2011

Happy Anniversary!

It was Mummy and Daddys anniversary this week so there were lots of hugs and kisses in our house - of course, we took the lions share of them!  We are loving our hugs and are starting to get very particular about who we give kisses too!

We are getting about at great speed - show us an open gate (especially to the kitchen) and we are out of it! All crawling at the moment - Mummy is trying to get us to balance more on our legs, but we much prefer scooting round by crawling or on our bottoms.  It doesn't mean we aren't fast though!

We had one - yes one - lovely day of weather here in Ireland this week, so we got our first experience of a paddling pool.  Took Daddy ages to fill it, and then when we sat in it we promptly splashed him with all the water!  It was great fun and kept us lovely and cool.

Lets hope we have a bit more summer weather so we can go in it more often!

Monday 18 July 2011

What summer?

Here we are again, another glorious summer day in Ireland - or not as the case may be!!

Whatever has happened to the summer?  We were looking forward to some lovely long walks with Mummy only to look out of the window and see a full blown gale and torrential rain!  So much for the amateur weather forecasters telling us we were having a heatwave!  Lets hope it clears up soon so we can work on our tans.....

Anyway this weeks teeth count is 6 each! After a slow start we are popping them out at a great rate - unfortunately there are other not so nice side effects to all this teething, and this involves lots of Nappy changes.  Not very pleasant for Mummy or us - if any one knows any great remedies for nappy rash let us know.

Mummy has been super busy this last week so it was lovely to spend all weekend with her and Daddy - lots of playtime, reading books and trying to escape into the kitchen (us not them!) as we are flying round with our crawling.

Anyway, time for some toast to make use of these teeth!

Friday 1 July 2011

whats in a name?

Pinch punch first of the month.......always wanted to do that!!!

Yesterday Mummy was reading the recently released Irish baby names for last year.  The top boys names are Jack, Sean, Daniel, James and Conor and the top 5 girls names are Sophie, Emily, Emma, Sarah and Lucy.  The top 100 of each can be found at http://www.cso.ie/releasespublications/documents/births_d_m/current/babynames.pdf

Theres lots of interesting names there - who knows, Mummy might even see a girls name she likes if she thinks of having a little sister for us (and why can we hear Daddy laughing in the kitchen!!!!)

As for us, we have a few more teeth coming through at the top - we have been very good though and not waking during the night, but it is funny to see Mummy and Daddys face when we try testing our new teeth on their fingers!  Don't bite is what they say........

Mummy is busy baking - as well as her nappy cakes she is making little cupcakes made from socks - can't say that they will taste very nice!!!! They do look tasty though.

Have a lovely weekend all x